
Ross on Wye Golf Club

Ladies Charity Open Bowmaker 3 Ball Golf & Coffee Morning

Tuesday 7th October
Ross-on-Wye, Tee - Silver
H'cap Allowance: 85%

Lady Captain's Charity Open Golf and Coffee Morning.  

9 Hole Team Bowmaker Open Competition.  Teams of 3 with 2 scores to count.  Silver Tees.  

Entry Fee £15 per visitor, £7 per member.  To include coffee and cake after your game.  Payable on entry online.

Teams can be any combination of visitors and members.

There will be home baked cakes to purchase on the day and a select few craft and golf stalls and sales.

Also Herefordshire Riding for the Disabled charity fund raiser for £5pp payable as you collect your card.  This buys you raffle tickets and entry to a few prize winning games and a piece of string to use on the course to move your ball to your advantage.  Please bring £5 cash on the day.

All proceeds and your generous donations will go to the Lady Captains Charity Herefordshire Riding for the Disabled

Please enter your team score via one of the computers in the clubhouse and place your card in the box provided in the Bar area.



Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £21.00 Per Team - Members (Required On Entry)
  • £45.00 Per Team - Visitors (Required On Entry)
  • £37.00 Per Team - Members (Required On Entry)
  • £29.00 Per Team - Members (Required On Entry)
Open To: Ladies

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