Men’s Section Introduction
There are approximately 420 men with handicaps who play at Ross.
As in most golf clubs most golf activities are overseen by the Captain, who is Robert Tuttiett . He is assisted by his Vice Captain Martin Pimlow who will take over as Captain at the Club's AGM in March 2019.
Organized men's competitions usually take place on Saturdays and some Sundays. The introduction in 2009 of the intelligent golf website system gives members access to online viewing of start sheets and access to booking into competitions 3 weeks before the day of the competition from their own computer. Alternatively there are terminals in the club house for booking into competitions checking handicaps and entering scorecards. Results and handicap information can be viewed online too.
There are several roll ups organized by members. Those which are particularly popular, especially for new arrivals to the club include "the Wormcatchers" who play on a Saturday morning and the "Friday Afternoon Crew" who tee off at 12.00 during the Winter and from about 13.00 in the Summer. The Friday Afternoon crew are well organized in terms of competitive spirit and they occasionally visit other courses. They usually organize a bar-b-que in the summer and also have a Dinner. There is also a nine hole eclectic during the Summer on a Tuesday, which alternates each week over the front and back nine. This is also open to ladies but few play as their main competition day is a Tuesday. The Tuesday Eclectic has a prize giving and Dinner at the end of the season. Many men have found these a valuable way of meeting other members and a useful introduction to what goes on in the club. However the best way to get to know people is to join in the organized competitions and social events.
Team Golf
There are 3 men's teams at Ross, the A and B team and a Club team.
The A team play in the North Gloucestershire Foursomes League and play off scratch. This is intended for single figure golfers and their Captain is Steve Price. He is interested in hearing from any single figure or improving golfer who would like to help advance the club’s position in the league.
The B team play 4 ball better ball against the same club as the A team is playing on that day.
The B team is Captained by Mark Whitmore, golfers of all abilities and experience play in this team and new players are actively encouraged to take part.
The club team is Captained by Dave Harrt. These friendly matches enjoy visits to many popular courses and a meal is usually part of the very sociable occasion. Once again new faces and all abilities and experience are encouraged to take part.
For membership information please go here.